Sunday, December 20

Maybe even a Fan

Last night was the first big snow storm for us and I must say I have been quite elated by the whole experience. Being the good husband he is, Steven convinced me to take a drive in the thick of things last night so that he could teach me a few tips about driving in the snow, which I had never done. We went to the parking lot of our church and practiced skidding, breaking, and sliding. After I passed my driving test, we came home and watched it all come down.

Here is what we woke up to see:

And then we went and played in it!!


Jim said...

You guys look like you are having the time of your lives back east! I'm pretty jealous! Build a snowman for us! We just went to the Mesa Temple lights tonight and it was 63 degrees!

mommy said...

You're so cute. I love it that he took you driving. I probably need to do that too.

The Carpenter Family said...

that is so pretty!! I love the snow.

Lisa said...

it is a good idea to learn how to drive in the weather. two thumbs up. Some people are clueless as what to do in rain/snow storms and should just stay home. so good job.

Amber said...

If you don't learn to play in it and have fun with it...winter can be very long :-) I have a friend who would go for a walk every time it snowed--and I loved that. Now that we go skiing it is easy to get excited when it snows...sure beats just focusing on the shoveling, the cold, and how much you get stuck inside--because it can be a lot. Love your pics by the way-you must have a great camera-please share what kind you have-because I have been annoyed with mine lately.