Thursday, July 30


I think that we might actually live in Mayberry. We love our town. It is clean, beautiful, and safe. The only down-side of living in such a great place is that the police officers do have little to do to keep busy.

Two weeks ago I was pulled over because of the tint on my front windows. The tint? We still had the AZ plates on that car, so I escaped with only a warning.

Then today I arrived at my car only to see a parking ticket on my windshield. After deciphering the scribble, I discovered that I was parked within 25 feet of a crosswalk. I would describe the situation as more like...where the sidewalk meets the street. I apparently misjudged the importance of this corner.

I must say, that if I had to hand pick a complaint to have about the town I live in, it would most definitely be: It's so quiet that the cops have to harass me for something to do. But, tint and an imaginary crosswalk...really?!

Another mention-worthy is that my car failed inspection because of the tint, so I have been driving around for a month+ with a "REJECTED" sticker on my windshield. It looks great. Needless to say, Steven and I both had the tint removed last weekend. We are very sad each time we see our poor naked windows, but at least we aren't in any danger of getting pulled over for that now.


Amber said...

That is funny--I was given a hard time once about the tinting on my windows in Boston but it snuck through inspection. I just thought it seemed dark to them because hardly anyone has any tinting there. Bummer.

Lisa said...

that is funny I must say but understandably annoying!!

Alyssa said...

He He! I remember when we got tint put on our car in AZ, we were moving to NY in a couple months and had to double check their tint laws--I had no idea such laws existed!

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

Oh steph, that's just your luck! Stupid'd think they'd be busy doing some other important catching bad guys...or red light runners...or speeders. NOPE, you're a dangerous threat with that tinting...who know's what evil things you could be plotting behind those windows! Agrivation is the only feeling that comes to me when I think about it. Good luck with whatever STUPID law you're NOT planning to break next!

Casey and Brynn said...

Wow..who knew tinted windows was a crime? That is super annoying, but makes for a very entertaining story! :)

Casey and Brynn said...

Wow..who knew tinted windows was a crime? That is super annoying, but makes for a very entertaining story! :)